This is another card I'm not entirely happy with.
Back in the 60s through the middle of the 90s, I did a huge amount of needlework, and in the 80s, I even had a column on needlework in the newspaper. At that time, I collected a lot of needlework books. I did a ton of cross stitching, petit point, and even did needle made lace of every kind. I did so much of it that I burnt myself out, and can't even bring myself to do it now, even though I've started some projects.
Anyway, I was looking through some whitework embroidery books, and came across this butterfly in the book White Work Techniques and 188 Designs
I decided it might work for parchment craft. I probably should have scanned it and made it smaller, because the smallest sized card I could use it on was 8 1/2" x 5 1/2". After embossing it and coloring it on the back with Copics, I knew it needed something else, so I added the flowers on both sides.
I knew it needed some kind of a frame, so I used Spellbinders Grand Labels Four
After layering everything together onto the card and outlining the inside of the frame with metallic gold, it looked kind of empty at the top and bottom, so I used white Liquid Pearls to add dots above and below the butterfly, then added them to the corners of the frame.
It probably would have been pretty if I had made it smaller so there would have been more room for matting and framing. As it was, the only size die that would fit both the card and butterfly went right to the edge of the card.
Kathi this is fabulous.
Kathi, this is so lovely...and creative...
I also used to cross stitch. I lost count of how many I did, I cross stitched wall hangings, book marks, a doll's face...pillows, pin cushions, my daughter's clothing, (probably more like embroidery on those) did lots of embroidery, crochet, knitting, plastic canvas, smocking, sewing...and now I do....
CARD MAKING!!! That's it.
Beautifully executed parchment craft.
Love the colours. The frame does exactly what it's supposed to. Draws the eye right in to the lovely butterfly.
Haven't stitched in years. Another crafty habit fallen by the wayside, boxed up waitjng to be started again.
Beautiful parchment butterfly, Kathi. Lovely colouring, too x
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