Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Albums and Journals in Fancy Boxes Bloom Collection Box

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a really long time, but I not only have cancer, but have been really busy lately.

I wanted to share this one with you before Christmas gets here, in case you, or someone in your family gets a cell phone for Christmas, and the phone comes in a really nice box. I didn't save the inserts in the first boxes I got, but later on started saving those as well, because a lot of them have really neat cubby holes to put albums in. I wish I had saved them all!

The boxes cell phones come in, (and other electronics as well), are sometimes really nice. I have always saved the really nice ones because I had planned on decorating them at some point. I had a few tiny ones from small electronics that I decorated and put tiny mini albums into a few years ago. Unfortunately, I never took pictures of those.

I just finished this larger one, and am really happy with it. I may add ribbons and other embellishments later.

This year, for my birthday, and more coming for Christmas, I got a lot of Graphic 45 papers and embellishments, and I am drooling over them! The papers I used on this one are the G45 Bloom Collection, and they are gorgeous! The most interesting box I had was one that an LG V20 came in quite a few years ago. It has a slipcase that is large enough to slide on over the box even when the box is decorated.

When you open the box, it is a trifold, with one substantial uncovered box on the left, a small narrow upright substantial uncovered box in the bottom middle, and on the right, another less substantial covered box at the top.

This is the slip cover with the box inside. I will probably add a few embellishments later.

The box and slip cover together.

When you open the trifold box, you will see these. I made an accordion album to go into the long box on the left. I will put either a ribbon, or a belly band to go around it.
The lower box in the middle, has a three inch flip flap type album in it.
The one at the top right has a three inch album with a sewn binding in it. Each album has a lot of pages, because they are each approximately one inch thick.

The albums taken out of the boxes.

To decorate the boxes, look at them, and the inserts, and try to imagine what would work to hold little mini albums inside. I will post more, from different types of cellphones in later posts, to give you ideas. Look at the Labels below this post and click on cell phone boxes to see them all.

Once you have decided which parts you will use, measure them and make mats 1/4" smaller than the part of the box you will be decorating. Then make up some mini albums the same size as the mats to go into each compartment. Next, mat each page in the mini albums, 1/4" smaller than the page.

I hope you will like these, and will try some of your own. They are really addicting!


  1. Kathi, its Janet from New Jersey!! The boxes are SO BEAUTIFUL! What a great idea!! Love love it. Will you be selling these at your store this summer?
    I hope you are well, and happy belated birthday. I haven't been on FB for a while but am back. Luv to you and talk soon. Great idea with the boxes!!

  2. Thanks so much Janet! Yes, they will be at the shop next summer. I will probably display albums on the rolling display thing with the photos on it, rather than leaving the photos there. I have made a lot of albums over the winter, including some really really nice smaller ones.

    I can't wait to see you, we had so much fun when you visited last summer! I bet you are excited about settling into your new home, too!


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